Ambulo Imaginationus
"Walking the Halls of Imagination"

The Dragon Bard's Oath

About the Dragon Bard

Salutations, fellow seeker of the arcane! You have entered the cyber sanctuary of the Dragon Bard. While the tapestry of life identifies me as Maxwell Alexander Drake, to my cherished allies and confidantes, I'm known simply as Drake. It would bring me great honor to include you as one of them.
Across two decades of toil and artistry, I've garnered acclaim weaving narratives for such industry titans as Sony's EverQuest Next and Catalyst Game Lab's Shadowrun. And now my sagas grace the hallowed grounds of the HârnWorld RPG realm. My journey has intertwined with legends in this industry, including the distinguished scribes Ed Greenwood, Michael A. Stackpole, Timothy Zahn, Aaron Allston, and other fine weavers of the written word. I've also had the honor of collaborating with illustrious visual artisans, among them Larry Elmore, Lars Grant-West, Jason Engle, Cyril Vander Haegen, and a myriad of other amazing illustrators.
Furthermore, I've been graced with the humbling opportunity to impart my wisdom on the art of creative writing to audiences spanning the globe. As examples; domestically, I proudly bear the singular honor of being the sole author invited to grace the halls of San Diego Comic Con for an unparalleled streak of 17 years starting in 2008. Internationally, etched in my heart is the indelible memory of being the solitary wordsmith bestowed with the privilege of being invited to the inaugural Saudi Arabia Comic Con in 2017.
My main goal for creating Starving Writer Studio is to build a direct connection between the creator's heart and the soul of those seeking fulfillment. In this new digital landscape we find ourselves in, why should there be a evil cartel between you and I? What purpose do these publishers, distributors, book stores now hold apart from enriching themselves at the expense of my sweat and toil that I do solely for your pleasure, my fine reader.
None, I say.
My hope is that you've ventured here, noble adventurer, lured by the treasures I've crafted. If this is true, then I beseech you, do not feed an industry that has lost its reverence for your heart’s desire! Instead, bestow your endorsement upon the one who genuinely cares about fulfilling your entertainment needs. A humble scribe, who understands that my only reason for existence, is you.
Here, you'll discover everything you need to support my endeavors, enabling my pen to weave countless more mesmerizing tales. I invite you to peruse the offerings in my Scriptorium. I assure you, the couriers I employ are as reliable as those that are dispatched from the kingdom of Amazon. And weep not for King Bezos. His coffers shan't run dry without my paltry contributions.
If you'd like to become a true hero of the arts, consider become my Patron. For less than the cost of a cup of elven morning brew, you can help incinerate writer’s block and fuel epic tales, all while gaining backstage access to all things Dragon Bard.
So continue forth into the heart of my domain, and if you are ever in need of my pen, you have but to ask. — Drake

Available NOW!
Genesis Of Oblivion:
Arcanum One
(Advanced Preview)

Are you ready to return to the world of Talic Nauth, or venture into this realm for the very first time?
Starving Writer Studio rekindles the fires of legend.
Behold the triumphant return of Maxwell Alexander Drake's celebrated and revered epic fantasy odyssey. After battles with several health challenges, including a bout with cancer, Drake emerges like a Phoenix risen.
This tome contains the first fifteen chapters, a whopping 250 pages, of the rewritten epic goodness, including three never-before-seen chapters!
You can order a physical copy in the Scriptorium, or...
You can get the Digital Copy FREE!

How fiercely burns your loyalty to our shared cause?
Become a Patron

Amidst the boundless realms of stories and fates, even the Dragon Bard can be ensnared by Hunger's shadow.
Your patronage stands as a radiant beacon. For but the cost of a goblet of Elvish wine, you can ensure the continuation of the Bard's quest.
Fear not, for your benevolence falls not upon barren ground. As a member of Cultus Draco you'll lay claim to seasonal relics, exclusive treasures, and early access to the unfolding prophecies that flow from the Dragon Bard's quill, bestowed only upon the most devoted.
Pledge yourself to Cultus Draco and join the Bard on this magnificent adventure. You shall not be disappointed.

Do you Desire to Get Serious as a Writer?
Step Into the
Dragon Bard's
Would you like to draw upon Drake's Decades of knowledge as a Professional Writer?
there is a way. Many, in fact.

Work with Drake on a Weekly Basis and join a Group of Writers all working hard to improve their craft. Daily Writing Sessions, Multiple Weekly Critique Group Meetings, Monthly Classes and Q&As, and Tons of Writing Exercises designed to make YOU a better writer!
Are you ready to take your writing to the next level?
Head on over to the WritersRoom.us now!

For those who've experienced one of Drake's live creative writing classes, you know why he's invited to Fan Conventions (Like being invited to San Diego Comic Con for 17 years in a row), Book Festivals, and Writers' Conferences all over the world.
For those who haven't, you still can! Head on over to DrakeU.com and delve into each exciting course.

Do you learn better through the written word?
Well the Dragon Bard has you covered... thrice!
Get your copies from the DrakeU.com Bookstore.
Or, if you'd rather support Bezos because he's nearly destitute, from Amazon.

Have you ever desired to ask questions of the Dragon Bard?
Each month, normally on the first Tuesday, Drake holds a free Open Q&A via Zoom.
If you wish to participate, you have but to sign up to the Writer Room's Free Area.

Are you Local to Las Vegas?
Drake has been giving Free Writing Classes for the Clark County Library District for 17 years now at the Centennial Hills Library.
And with nearly 3,300 members,
Drake is the Largest Writing Group in Nevada!
Join his Meetup Group to find out dates, times, and subjects.